
We are Rooted and this is our family tree.
If you are aged 18-30's and looking for a place to be with God, and with friends who become family, then join us at our next event. We can't wait to welcome you.

Stay up to date with everything Rooted has going on!

The team are headed up by Zech Enson and Divya Murali. For more information on anything related to the group or its events, email them here.

If you are thinking of trying out a Sunday service at Woodside for the first time but are unsure how you'd get to us or are nervous about going alone, drop us an email and we'll do all we can to support you in joining us.



Every Wednesday we gather as a group for a bible study with the last meeting each week being a social event.

You can sign up to join this group or any of our other many fantastic groups via the small groups page.


We also try to gather spontaneously for picnics, walks, cinema and lunch time fun from time to time. Much of this is organised through our WhatsApp group. If you would like to be added to this just grab Zech or Divya on one of our Sunday mornings.

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Charity Number 1186318. Company Number 12279065 | Hosted by Krystal