Felix Oppong | 06 Aug 2023
This sermon was recorded on Sunday 6th August 2023 at our Great Denham venue. Felix Oppong continues our sermon series "Versus" with a sermon titled the "The Diligent VS The Sluggard".
This talk is based on Proverbs.
Just to note that there is a change in the audio quality about halfway through due to a fault with the recording - sorry for any inconvenience.
Image Credit:
- VS logo: a href="www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/vs" Vs Vectors by Vecteezy
- Spotlight picture: a href="www.freepik.com/free-vector/abstr…keyword&track=ais" Image by starline on Freepik
Charity Number 1186318. Company Number 12279065 | Hosted by Krystal