We believe that God has spoken to us about "rowing less and sailing more" by which we mean allowing him to direct our path. Like the wind filling the sails of a yacht, we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Prayer is how we partner with God in the work he is doing both locally and globally. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to join together as one church before God.

All of our prayer meetings are open to everyone, young and old. These are family gatherings with our Heavenly Father, so we hope you will join with us soon..!

"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."

- Acts 2:42

We meet regular during the week to pray and would love you to join us:

Mondays at 9.30am
- Our Building on Dover Crescent, MK41 8QH

First Saturday of the Month - 24 Hour Prayer Chain - Wherever you are!

Sunday Evenings at 7.30pm
- See below for locations and further details



Our Prayer Evenings are an opportunity for us to gather as a church and pray into specific topics together. Here's how the Prayer Evenings will look over the course of a month. Each meeting starts at 7.30pm and is at our Dover Crescent building.

  • The first Sunday of the month will be an evening for healing prayer.
  • And the rest of the Sundays will be open for general prayer and allowing God to direct us.

We look forward to spending these Sunday evenings together as a church, praying and being expectant for how God is going to continue to move in the coming months. We are committed to being a praying church and believe this new set up will enable more of us to engage in this vision.

Every Sunday morning there is a prayer team available after our services should you ever want prayer in response to something you have heard during the service or for any area of your life.


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Charity Number 1186318. Company Number 12279065 | Hosted by Krystal